Slave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабынь

Slave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабынь

Slave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабынь


"Своеобразная экономическая стратегия в стиле хентай. Вы выступаете в роли воспитателя "сексуальных рабынь" для зажиточных феодалов. Причём воспитание происходит практически полностью на самообеспечении. Сейчас объясню подробнее: в начале игры вы выбираете девушку, которая, благодаря вашим усилиям, впоследствии будет носить гордое звание "сексуальная рабыня" (выбором девушки вы определяете также уровень сложности и количество дней, за которое нужно успеть укротить "воспитанницу"). Затем вам выдаётся пятьсот монет на карманные расходы и строптивная засранка, из которой нужно сделать... хоть что-нибудь. Покупка нарядов и аксессуаров , индивидуальные уроки, раскачивающие у ученицы те или иные навыки - все эти затраты полностью на вас. В игре есть возможность отправлять ученицу на работу (варианты от служанки в баре до элитной проститутки). Чем выше "профильные" навыки воспитанницы, тем больше ей заплатят за каждый "сеанс" работы. Также можно отправлять воспитанницу брать разнообразные уроки от курсов риторики до уроков ублажения. А после трудового дня воспитанницу тренировать и дрессировать будете уже вы, опять же прокачивая ей те или иные навыки. В итоге к окончанию срока обучения ваша воспитанница будет обладать неким набором навыков, в зависимости от которых будет расчитываться концовка игры."

Год выпуска: 2009 г.
Жанр: Simulator, Flash
Разработчик: cmacleod42
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: freeware
Форумы игры: Официальный форум. Фанатский форум.
Дополнительное инфо: Wiki страница. О разработке Slave Maker 3.


Цензура: Отсутствует
Таблэтка: не требуется
Язык: только английский
Тип перевода: перевода нет

Дополнительная информация: Для игры имеется SDK позволяющий программировать новых девушек, требования - Adobe Flash CS3, знание ActionScript 2. Так что, если вы разбираетесь в этом, и у вас есть желание создать новую девушку/ивент, пишите в теме, мы будем только рады.


В игре есть чит :)
В игре есть чит :)
Если вам не хватает денег, прямо в игре нажмите на букву "G" в слове "GOLD", и будет вам счастье


Solution v.0.82 by zeroustra
Red - means "need to be fixed or added" Slaves
In brackets - Obedience needed to action. Every girl Masturbates with 0 Obedience. I think, Obediense for Night Striptease the same as for work in Sleazy bar.
For Spanking you usually need Obedience from 10 to 30. Special (Shampoo=5, Minako=40)
Encountering the Sleazy Bar/Brothel owners lowers the difficulty by 5.
I'd like to now Obedience parameters for Orgy

Shampoo (easy, 78 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (30/80)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (75/40/80)
Exhib/XXX (40/45)
Bondage/Orgy (60/ )

Noble Love (Knight or Lord can fall in love with your slave and offer to buy her)
Perfect Slave (Replaces Bought Back, I guess)

Yurika (normal, 63 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (20/80)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (60/65/95)
Exhib/XXX (35/30)
Bondage/Orgy (50/ )

Dickgirl Milking (drink Astrids potion 3 times and she wil start transforming spontaneously. Some time later she will run away)
Orgasm Milking (max earns 160, if Libido=100. How to make permanent Libido?)
Dickgirl Cow (Loose or sell her to Astrid)

Belldandy (normal, 63 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (24/70)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (65/65/98)
Exhib/XXX (40/30)
Bondage/Orgy (54/ )

wear the Angelic Dress, get libido, nymphomania 80+, visit docks and will be offered transformation:
Demon (accept) (Morality80)
Angel (refuse to transform to demon, then visit Lake, accept offer) (Morality, Charisma, Joy>80)
Mortal (refuse both, or dont wear dress)
Nun Event, Nun Seduction Event (forest, town, docks, wherever)

Naru (hard, 53 days) (easiest, mah fav girly *_*)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (20/30)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (35/30/50)
Exhib/XXX (10/15)
Bondage/Orgy (30/ )

All Standard

Tifa (hard, 53 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (25/75)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (70/100/-)
Exhib/XXX (35/45)
Bondage/Orgy (40/ )

Dickgirl (Drink Astrid's potion 3 times)
Cow Girl (To start milking - Constitution>30) (Milked at least once a week at the farm)
Orgasm Milking (Could be sold to Farmer for a high prise) (max earns 160, if Libido=100. How to make permanent Libido?)
Tentacle Magnet (ability)

Ranma (hard, 53 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (35/90)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (70/75/99)
Exhib/XXX (45/45)
Bondage/Orgy (65/ )

Dickgirl (While walking she will meet a nun who will offer to break her curse, and that will start the process, so do 'Take a Walk' a bit)
Running Away (Intelligence35),
Cat-Slave, Dickgirl Cat-Slave (Wear the Cat Costume, Libido, Joy, Constitution>80)
Sport Shop

Akane (normal, 63 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (25/75)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (65/65/65)
Exhib/XXX (40/50)
Bondage/Orgy (50/ )

Shampoo Trouble Event
Noble Love (Knight or Lord can fall in love with your slave and offer to buy her)

Ayane (hard, 63 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (20/35)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (50/95/95)
Exhib/XXX (45/20)
Bondage/Orgy (55/ )

Loyal (accept offer of loyalty, paid off your debt)
Play Volleyball (Requires her to promise Loyalty)

Minako (normal, 53 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (45/45)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (50/85/95)
Exhib/XXX (45/55)
Bondage/Orgy (50/ )

Events (Morning, Autographs, True Catgirl Rescue, Catgirl Meetings)
Cat Slave (Buy a cat suit and work at Bar or Sleazy Bar, talk about "Cat Slaves" until it says she's willing to accept it) (Libido, Joy, Constitution>80)
Cat Saviour (Talk to Bar or Sleazy Bar girl about "True Catgirls" until she tells you they live in the Forest *and* she gives you a catchphrase. Then visit the Lake, say yes to help, wander until you meet other true catgirl (I've seen Docks, Palace, Town Center, but only 1 location per game). Then discuss, ordinary discussion, and say you'll lend her. Then lend her as the last action of a night, say 'lend back' rather than 'go tonight', then lend again and say 'I want to learn more', then 'attack now'. You will free the catgirl; go to the Lake again and you're done)

Kasumi (normal, 58 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (30/75)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (50/75/30)
Exhib/XXX (45/55)
Bondage/Orgy (55/ )

Winner, Dickgirl Winner (Combat Skill, Constitution>80, Temerament>70, Score>75)
Cumslut (make her give plenty of blowjob, nothing more, she will after some time offer to become a cumslut) (I think, true cumslut should work in Sleezy Bar, and do maximum "performances"
Snacks Event

Rei (hard, 53 days) (ultra hard)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel ( / )
Naked/Master/Pony Girl ( / / )
Exhib/XXX ( / )
Bondage/Orgy ( / )

Pure Exorcist
Failed Exorcist
Failed Exorcist (Corrupt)
Exorcist (Corrupt)
Failed Assistant
All with Dickgirl variants
Slave maker ending - Demon Lover

Events (5 Exorcisms, 1 Test, Nun Seduction, Ghost Adoption, Demon Girl Rescue, Demon Rescue, Nun - meet and anal, Soothing Potion Quest, Daizodai Cure, Demonic Item Eruption, Azana Encounters)

No Temple, no study theology, no Purification Ritual. No Bar or Restaurant either (as these put her on the Assistant/Experienced path)
Find and wear the Demonic Pendant. Keep her Lust high, no Soothing Potions. Discuss demons and spirits every day.
Submit to the creature during the first exorcism test. When she start losing her faith, she will tell it. When asked questions answer about self reliance and independence
Once converted work as an acolyte daily to meet Lianis.
(Corruption 90+, Corrupt Lianis to be a prostitute, rescue a demon girl from the slave pens, rescue a demon. Both rescues need certain stats high enough)
Work in bar, restaurant, talk about fun, study science. Do not work as an acolyte. If questioned answer about interesting things, fun, more sex once converted her stat is a percentage of all possible things she has done. To win do 85% of everything, also many potions, owning items, parties, meeting people....
Dresses for Rei
Miko robes - pass test on day 35
Indecent Miko - pass same test one she is a demon follower/corrupt
Chinese Dress - enter experienced path to be Daruna's assistant, and attend party with Miss N and accompany her.

Urd (normal, 63 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (25/60)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (55/85/98)
Exhib/XXX (40/30)
Bondage/Orgy (45/ )

Alchemist (Alchemy>80, Score>80)
Dickgirl (Drink Astrid's potion 3 times)
Potion Shop (when she drinks a potion 3 times she can then make it. When she can make 3 potions then she will offer to open a potion shop)

Riesz (hard, 53 days)
Sleazy Bar/Brothel (45/20)
Naked/Master/Pony Girl (50/85/35)
Exhib/XXX (45/55)
Bondage/Orgy (50/ )

Tentacle Queen, Demon Morning event
(First, encounter tentacles and surrender to them, until Reisz wants to find girls to give to the tentacles. The three girls you need to do this are:
The nun: found when Working at the Temple. You need at least 70 speech and a high libido or nymphomania (I'm not sure which of those two) and to appeal to her lust.
The lesbian: Find her at either the Dock or the Town Center. I don't know if you need any stats for this.
The Demon: Found at the dock. I believe you need a high conversation and a high hunting skill for her. (She is the demon who's picture has her perched on a rock.)
Once you convert the demon, occasionally you will have a 'demon morning' event at the beginning of the day. (The event will not alter your stats)
Wolf Knight (Visit the Knight to learn about the Wolf Knights, and complete the Wolf Mistress' tasks)
Dickgirl Toy (Work the Brothel until a group of hermaphrodites comes to 'free' Reisz unless you pay 1000 gp. Say no. Later you will be approached by a hermaphrodite who wants to buy Reisz. Say yes. And have her do 20+ Brothel and Sleazy Bar actions)Endings
Pre-ending events
Tentacle Rape (can occur both in the Slums and at the Docks. Each instance boosts your girl's minimum Libido by 5, among other things)
Tentacle Kidnapping (have more than 4 tentacle encounters during the game. Tentacle Abduction counts as 2 encounters)
Tentacle Harem (additional ending scene wherein your girl gets grabbed by monsters at route to her owner)
Tentacle Impregnation (ALL)

Standard sub-endings
Tentacle Abduction (occurs if your girl's rules allow her to go out, only near the new moon and use Seer more often. She will tell you were not to go)
Lesbian Abduction - never saw this before O_O

Standard Endings (Darsel: There are 16 standard endings, and 2 standard sub-endings.)
01. Courtesan (Lady Okyanu training, Charisma>95, Conversation 100, Refinement>60, Fuck>90, Blowjob>90)
02. Drug Addict (make her have more than 3 need for drug) (except Urd) (does Nymf's Tear included?)
03. Maid (Cooking, Cleaning>60, Score>40)
04. Normal+ (Score>50, Obedience>85, Morality>45)
05. Normal (make a score between 50 and 75)
06. Normal- (Score 50<>75, Obedience90, Score>50) (except Tifa)
08. Prostitute (Score3000GP; >4 dresses boughts, Score>40)
10. Rebel (Temperament>20, Obedience40)
12. Sex Addict (Score>40, Libido>85)
13. Sex Maniac (Score>40, Nymphomania, Libido>85)
14. Wedding (Score>75)

Semi-standard endings
Cow Girl (To start milking - Constitution>30) (Milked at least once a week at the farm) (Akane, Ayane, Kasumi, Minako, Ranma, Tifa and Riesz)
Dickgirl (have her permanently become a hermaphrodite and choose not to be cured)

Standard Revised Endings
Bought Back (Score>85) (except Shampoo)
Love (accept confession, score>50)

Slave Maker Ending
Tentacle ImpregnatedSolution & Advices
Solution & Advices
Ponygirl (Ponygirl, Obedience>90, Score>50) (except Tifa)
Start to do a bondage action
Harness (Travelling Salesman, Female Dominatrix Slaver, 200g)
Leash (Travelling Salesman, Dickgirl Amazon Slaver, 500g)
Pony Tail (only at Palace)
Bit Gag (could be found at Docks-Port Area, Farm House Location)
Do at least 5 bondage actions. Made her call you Master. Then make Ponygirl transformation.
Buy in Pony Stables: Cart (100g), Vibrator Panties (50g), Pony Boots (50g)
For winning the race you need high constitution, low Tiredness 50 then morality + 1 per day, libido -3, nymphomania -3)(Morality 50 then she will randomly fuck people, increasing fuck and blowjob, decreasing libido)
(-)(Decreases joy 3 per day, sensibility, constitution, reputation decreases 1 per day; She does not date or visit her old lover)
Touch Herself
(+)If libido > 60 then decreases libido and temperament 1 per day
(-)Libido increases 0.5 per day
Fuck with Anyone (+)(More likely to date, see go out above otherwise)
Have Pocket Money (+)(Sensibility decreases 1 per day, joy increases 1 per day, gold decreases 2 per day)
Write to her family-friends (+)(Sensibility increases 1 per day, joy decreases 1 per day)

Job the higher this parameters - the higher earnings
Restaurant - as waitress (Conversation, Charisma), as chef (Cooking, Intelligence)
Acolyte - Morality, Intelligence
Bar - Conversation, Intelligence

Barmaid (Conversation>30)
Maid (Sensibility>30) (Met at the Lake, if Cooking>30)
Count (Refinement>60) (Met at the Farm or during the Relax in a Sleazy Bar) (>=50 Charisma))
High-Class Prostitute (Refinement>25)
Shop Owner (>=30 Charisma, >=30 Conversation)
Knight (Moralty>25, Refinement>50) (Met during Martial Training) (Forest, Palace if ~30 refinement/morality/conversation?)
Lord (Refinement>80)(Met during Attend Court)

Uninhibitory Drug
Aphrodisiac - is it drug?
Lust Draft - is it drug?
Nymph's Tears - is it drug?
We need to now parameters changing and for how long it have effect?
Ishinai (500g) (Nymphomania, Libido, Obedience + 75 ?) (Obeing not to everything)
Dorei (250g) (Nymphomania, Libido=80 permanent, Obedience+20)
Zodai (50g)
Biyaki (100g)
Gaman (100g)

Slave statistics
Handcuff Bracelet (700g) raises the obedience daily by 1
Day - Expose, Slezy Bar, Brothel - increasing. Theology School - decreasing.
Night - Lick, Touch, Fuck, Threesome, Spanking - doesn't increase her Obedience.
Limited obedience could be 'healed' by 2 Spanking every night.
Bondage\Orgy\Gangbang can raise it by 3 or 4 but can only be done after reaching a certain level of obedience, usually 60-ish
After passing 30, the Wait option will raise libido by a significant amount based on current libido
Fuck, Threesome, Orgy, Gangbang, Lend her, and Lesbian - decrease Libido.
Determines the amount of actions you can have at night. Min=3, Max=6 (>80).
Take a Walk, Restaurant, Sleazy Bar, Brothel, XXX School, and Dance School for afternoon activities.
Increases at night from Fuck, Threesome/Group, Spank Her, Gang-Bang, Lend Her, Pony girl
Energy Draft (125g) (-20) ; Resting during Day (-10) ; Doing nothing during the night (-Random)

Where we could find it and what conditions we need for it?
Faerie's Ring (Fairie - Forest, Sensibility>50? 35?)
Dragon Ring (Knight - Palace, Forest, Temperament>20)
Demonic Bra (Town Centre, Slums or "port")
Demonic Pendant (Forest, Palace, Slums, Town, lots of places - from Nun)
Strap-On (Town Centre, Port)(from Lesbian, also gives dildo separately)
Apron (Maid - Lake, Cooking>30)
Angel's Tear/Toran's Chalice (from Nun... Faith, Morality>50)
Vibrator Panties (Ruins) (from XXX school owner at palace, town center, and slums.. I think)
Scriptures, religious text (+intelligence, +morality) - Forest, Town Centre, Slums
Book of Kamasutra, text (+lust, +fucking) - Palace, Town Centre, Slums


11.12.2009 Торрент файл обновлён! Обновление игры до версии 15x8.
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Slave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабыньSlave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабыньSlave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабыньSlave Maker 2 15x8 / Тренер рабынь

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